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Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin

Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten, Hintergründe und Aktionen rund um die Sportarten Judo und BJJ. Hier halten wir dich jederzeit auf dem Laufenden.
Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten,... Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten, Hintergründe und Aktionen rund um die Sportarten Judo und BJJ. Hier halten wir dich jederzeit auf dem Laufenden. mehr erfahren »
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Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin
Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten, Hintergründe und Aktionen rund um die Sportarten Judo und BJJ. Hier halten wir dich jederzeit auf dem Laufenden.
Jiu Jitsu problems are so commonplace, it can feel like you never get a break from working through them when on the mats. In practice, that's a great trait! When you hit the mats for competition, you don't want to be pondering how to solve a problem. In competition you need to know what will work...
Encountering specialists in the guard can be a real pain when the clock is winding down. The lasso guard passing is a really useful tactic when coming across guard specialists. The lasso is something seen constantly in gi jiu-jitsu. It can be an excellent offensive tool in addition to a really...
You’re familiar with the phrase “less is more.” That same concept can be applied to takedowns for BJJ. You don’t have to have the fanciest and most elaborate takedown, you just have to have one that works. And execute it like an absolute savage.
Oftentimes it can be really frustrating to be working an opponent who stays low. When your opponent has that naturally low resting stance, it can make it feel like you simply cannot get anywhere near them. The funny thing about this sport is we need to get close in order to do anything!